British Values

british values with background

At Ryefield Primary School we strongly support and promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We aim to:

Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence

Our children’s skills and accomplishments are regularly acknowledged and celebrated, e.g. through celebration assemblies (Star of the Week or Badge assemblies), Year groups productions and Sporting events. The school provides the opportunity for children to mentor and support each other as ‘expert learners’. Whilst cooperative learning ensures that our pupils are engaged and display positive learning behaviours.

Encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely

Ryefield continues to support charitable organisations that have a connection to our staff, pupils or community. Over recent years the school has fundraised for:

Furthermore, the school’s Junior Road Safety Officers have put into place various traffic awareness/calming measures to ensure that children can safely walk to school. Long standing traditions, such as the Flower Festival, and Harvest ensure that our younger pupils make a valuable contribution to ensuring the school maintains its links with elderly residents. Correspondence informs the school that this support and outreach is gratefully received

Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures

Cultural traditions and events are celebrated across the school, from the Kitchen team catering specific menus for significant events, e.g. Saint’s days or Chinese New Year; to the children in the EYFS developing a growing awareness of the similarities and differences in our own community. Children’s languages are celebrated and used to aid the transition of pupils new to the school and the International Primary Curriculum seeks to develop international mindedness. In addition the school’s House system and Classes are drawn from significant cultural figures. As part of the transition into a new class, the children research the history of each namesake:

Enable students to distinguish right for wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England
The school has a behaviour management policy and applies the appropriate sanctions. Classroom rules and expectations ensure children develop a secure understanding, and are able to distinguish between what is right; what is wrong and the associated consequences of one’s actions. Through RE, Circle Time and PSHCE, the school tackles telling the truth, and understanding right and wrong. Where possible Ryefield involves external agencies and regularly participates in Hillingdon’s Junior Citizen Day, which involves the Police, Fire and Ambulance Services.

Enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England

Throughout the school year and curriculum, pupils are provided with many opportunities to develop a knowledge, understanding and respect for Britain’s public institutions and services. Ryefield maintains a link with the local church and seeks to invite (and visit) various places of worship. Significant events are often marked in the school, for example the Queen’s birthday, Armistice Day, and the General Elections/Referendum.

Additionally, the Early Years study a unit entitled: ‘People who help us’ and the school maintains links with public services through visit to the local Library, Road Safety training, the Hillingdon Life Bus and participation in the Junior Citizen Day

Encourage respect for other people

The school endeavours to ensure that its ethos of cooperative learning ensures that pupils and adults develop mutual respect for each other. Expert learners and self and peer evaluations enable children to develop their ability to give and receive feedback in a positive way. Friendship weeks, which focus on strategies to manage conflict and tackle bullying, help the children to maintain positive relationships. The curriculum, either PSHCE, RE and IPC helps to develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of each other and equip them with the necessary social skills.

Encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.

Annual elections are held to select both House Captains and members of the School Council. Class guidelines/rules are created via a consensus of opinion and everyone has a responsibility to uphold them, adult or child.

Whole school elections have been held to mirror events in wider society, e.g. General Elections and In/Out Referendums. Most recently the children were involved in the process of selecting the new Head teacher. In addition to much of the work mentioned above, the school continually strives to ensure that children develop an understanding of, are involved and participate in the democratic process.